Posted 10/16/2017 4:11 PM (GMT 0)
I had a similar situation in that the marriage was gone, but the us both buying the house we lived in was still there.
The bad marriage also started when we had a small child. Problem!
You don't have the child, so you can thank your lucky stars that you did not complete your plans to have a child. Chalk one up to good luck.
Another thing you have going for you is that you work. I didn't, I had bipolar, found it hard to keep a job, so I couldn't hardly go anywhere even though I was being abused for decades.
Since you have a job and no kid, why can't you just sell the house, get your 1/2 of it, and get out of there? Use the money to buy down payment on another house, and just pay the mortgage payments on the new, perhaps cheaper, house?
I think key is getting out of there. Not waiting for any more arguments, but just, getting out of there, and let him holler at the wall. No kids, no bipolar, holding a job, I would like to have had your situation.
I'm not saying I would I would have actually left, but give me your situation and watch me work. Maybe.