This week has been rough, constant anxiety and I have no idea why. There isn’t a specific reason I can think of why I’m having panic attacks throughout the day. I try my hardest to get past it but often find myself going back to my xanax because I feel like I’m slowly suffocating.
I hate anxiety, it makes me feel light headed, feels like I’m swaying sometimes. I can’t shake this physical feeling and that’s where my anxiety starts. I just wish I could get over it, the thought of having this for the rest of my life in just too much. It sucks....
My therapist appt was cancelled for Sat but I see him next week. I’m really hoping to get deeper into CBT. I’ve only had 2 sessions so I think consistency is important. I don’t know how to stop these physical sensations. I feel like I have an elephant on my chest.
Hope you all are pushing through!