Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile; I was feeling so great. Not anymore though...
So, this is what happened:
I flew back to the states for a wedding for a couple days, and then back to poland. On my way back to poland I lost my bag with my paxil in it. I had no insurance, no ability to speak polish, and no money, so there really wasn't anything I could do.
But I had been thinking about stopping the paxil, so I decide this was going to have to be it, and I braced myself for the side effects of coming off it.
I was very fortunate and did not get sick at all, even though I know that many many people do, and it is not wise to stop taking it so suddenly.
I felt great for about two weeks, no panic symptoms, etc, but now my panic is BACK!
I am so upset. I thought I finally had it licked! I've spent the past four days thinking I have AIDS; a heart condition; cancer; that I will choke on my food when eating alone in my apartment, die, and have my corpse be eaten by my cat; that the gas from my stove is on and I will die in my sleep; the same for carbon dioxide; just die in my sleep for no reason at all; etc.
After two weeks off it I'm thinking of starting up the paxil again, and I'm just so disapointed!