I am glad someone works for a terrific principal. I thought mine was too until about
2 months ago. Now I stay away from her as much as possible. I figured she would have a problem with me because I am on medical leave for 8 days. I just needed some time to try to get myself together and work was just making it worse. When I told her she just kind of looked and said usually they have a few days notice so they can get a long term sub to fill in for me. She also asked what was wrong which I did not say. The last thing I need is the news getting around to the children.
Then a coworker knew I was not suposed to be at work, is still calling me with work stuff. I swear I will cuss her out if she calls me again with the main thing that is causing me anxiety and depression. I know that sounds bad, but I don't want to hear it. She already bothers me with it on the weekends, can I get a small break.
This school causes too much stress. I am sure I am getting written up at this moment for medical leave. I know it is bad, but I wish I would get fired so I wouldnt have to come back the 20th.
Juat added a subject so the thread is easier to follow.Post Edited By Moderator (normalsnofun) : 11/9/2006 4:41:38 AM (GMT-7)