I don't agree with the statement you made, "I know its not real", of course its real, would you do that to yourself purposly?Everyone deserves a good night sleep, I don't care what anyone says...............I've been meditating for about
10 years.The goal is to reach nirvana.Think of your true self as a speedometer in your car thats right in the middle, say 50 mph or so.Say when your happy you go to the right, say 80 mph, and when your sad, you go to the left say 10 mph.I know it sounds weird, but thats the best way I can explain it.You want to get where you can stay at that perfect 50 mph. All the time.Which is extremly, extremly tough.....Also what is the smiley dancing icon on this message board mean.It looks very sexually provacative.(ha,ha,ha,ha)