Thanks for the replies, everyone. I do have alprazolam to take, as needed. My doctor called me in some wellbutrin xl a few days ago, against his better wishes. I have to agree with him...I don't think it can help me, as my anxiety issues are pretty bad.
I feel like I've given cymbalta a fair shot. It helps, but I just would like to try something else. I have some lexapro left from last time, so I might start up on that again and see how I do. If I'm okay, then I'll call and ask it I can get more. I don't mind the weight gain, if it's only a few pounds, but I read these horror stories about waking up 20 pounds heavier! It does make me itch, though. Has anyone else had this problem with lex? It's not like a rash or hives, just itching. Even on the bottom of my feet. I never gave it longer than a week or so. Maybe it's a se that will go away the longer I'm on it.
Anymore advice would be great! Thanks, all!