Hi new to the forum. Some history. I have been having panic issues on and off from December this year. I was on celexa 10 mg for several months and had a small cancer scare which turned out to be nothing serious. During that time my anxiety returned and I returned to my GP and he recommended upping the dose to 20 mg and take Xanax XR 1mg 1 in A.m and one in P.m which I did on and off for about
3 weeks no improvement. Went back to the GP he advised to try Lexapro 10mg which I did at that time I tried to ween my self from the xanax xr and on day 5 without the xanax anxiety attacks returned. I again went on the xanax for approximately one week and had a surgery scheduled and felt it was necessary to get through the surgery. A funny thing happened. I was under general anestesia and the doctor suggested I do not take any xanax for a few days until the general anestesi wears off and do the same with the lexapro. I started up the lexapro but did not have a need for the xanax no panic attacks or anxiety for now 17 days today I felt edgy. One thing I left out was I was put on Percocet for 2 weeks to help with pain fromt he surgery. I have been on and off of the percocet for 23 days now. Because I was feeling anxious I went today to see a shrink and he totld me that the xanax could not be the cause for the anxiety it has been out of my system and that he felt the percocet was the issue. He also switched my Lexapro for Cymbalta. NO my question does all of this seem feasible and has anyone had success with cymbalta or had rebound anxiety 17 days after stopping a benzo. And can percocet cause these symptoms I am currently having. Chills, cant eat montazums revenge etc..... Thanks for any input.