I have been on cymbalta now for this being the 9th day for GAD, I continue to have a nervous stomach and underlying anxiety sometime having hot flashes. Hoping this medication works, switched from lexapro after 5 weeks not sure my doc gave me enough time on the lexapro, This is my third medication since december started with celexa and I am wearing down. I was given xanax several times and took it on and off for a while but have since stopped taking it and am now almost a month fee of it and really don't want to go back to benzo's since they have such an adictive quality. I continually search the internet for hope but often find bad news and I feel that may be contributing to my anxiety. I guess I am a little OCD when it comes to the internet. I am just the type of person that I wnat things fixed yesterday and cant seem to want to wait which in turn increasing my anxiety. An help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
History was on Celexa for 6 month 10mg stopped working went up to 20 for 3 weeks, used Xanax XR during this period. Celexa had always worked well for me not sure what happend. Probably should have increased te dose and stuck with it.
Switched to Lexapro 5 weeks Phycharist switched me
Now on Cymbalta for 9 days