Hi, I used to have horrible panic attacks and anxiety and now they gone. I'm against all medications and taking them when I really needed, that's why I asked doctor to give me something what I can have only time to time, so he recommended Xanax and I'm really happy about
. It was always in my bag (I felt secure when my capsule in a bag) and when I felt anxiety I took one tab under the tongue - works fast, you won't feel tranquilized, it is very light in small dosages. With time I needed them less and less.. And now I'm walking around without my pills and feel good! It's a long process, but you can do it! I was searching on Google and found this site and someone recommended me book "Hope and Help for your nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes - this is very very good book, she is so positive and really helpful! I've read couple of more books, but this one was the best to understand how anxiety and panic works and how to coop. Don't be afraid from it, observe your self when you are anxious and find why at this moment you feel anxiety.. nothing found? your nerves are bluffing - ignore them. Take a book, do something, go somewhere, just ignore them! I learned how to ignore and my panics stopped!
Sleep is very important to human body, all cells getting renovated when your organs relaxed, and if you can't get to that stage maybe you have to try some sleeping pills - just for a short time! Or, as some people recommend - take a warm shower, I used to place my feet in hot water (because I was all trembling during attacks). But.. you can't go to sleep because you don't feel like sleeping or your thoughts not letting you to sleep? When I got my heart broken I didn't sleep for 3-4 month, maybe few hours at night! I'm still alive
So, don't think much about
! If you have problems - you have to try to resolve them first, if this is from anxiety - try some herbal tea, some natural remedies, if not - ask doctor to give some relaxing/sleeping pills, they are all with reversable effect - if you will stop it any time, there is no harm so don't be afraid to try. From my side, I did some stretching (yoga like) exersises, nothing fast and jumpy, just slow nice stretching before you go to bed - your muscles will get some oxigen and you will feel better. And, maybe you try CD or hypnosis, check Amazon.com, they have reviews for everything, can read what's good and what's not, or maybe some love-story book will help you to take your mind away? you have to try, just don't panic - there is nothing wrong with you! Maybe 70% of all people been there at one point.
Good luck!