I believe that each person has the right to choose if they want to use medications in their treatment plan or not. I do not judge but like you I used the meds as I would have been in hospital had I not.
In November of 2005 I was in full blown anxiety attack every night as I could not sleep. I had been taking a very mild sedative for years but when I had my melt down we ended up with my using 4 mg of Ativan every night.
I was told in December of 2006 I had to start weaning off and I was willing........but it did not feel good. A friend sent me this website
http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htmI printed the info and the schedule and took it to my P-doc...........she had wanted me to substitue Klonopin but the info I had said Valium as it is the longst acting benzo.
The schedule goes very slow and if you need you can adjust, so far I have gone from 40 mg of Valium to 12 mg per day. My Doc read the info and did some reseach and agreed that it was reputable and if I wanted to go that route we would.
This is just my story and you may have found better info as others have posted sites to you.
I wish you the best and keep posting.