So, I got to chat this morning....
And for those of you that were in there asking if I have MSN, yes, I finally got it. So, next time we chat, I will give you all the info. if you want it.
Me and my son are going to go outside in a little while. I told him there is a chance that we could only stay outside for a little while, he is very understanding about that.
I am feeling very sore today. Not sure why. I feel more tense than normal. My chest feels really tight, like it needs to crack, more tight than normal, and all my muscles feel overeall sore. My left rib has a slight ache in it. ANY SUGGESTIONS on maybe why?
Also been wanting to ask if anyone here has GERD as well? As you all know I haven't been to the doctor recently, but I am seriously wondering if I have GERD. I have to clear my throat all the time. I am experiencing more heartburn than normal. Obviously I have discomfort in my chest. I dunno, any thoughts?
I definately have health anxiety...ugh. ANd I know I shouldn't google symptoms, but with the needing to clear my throat, I was thinking I had cancer. With the chest discomfort, I was having a heart attack. I guess I am just looking for thoughts.
I will TRY MY BEST to quit googling symptoms, I know it isn't a good idea. I know this.
Thank you as always to anyone who answers. And to all those that were chatting this morning, I am happy you guys were there. It was a nice time!
Hope everyone is having a great day...
(((((((((((((((HUGS TO ALL)))))))))))))))))))