i'm sorry guys. i new at this forum stuff. i don't know what you are talking about
when you pur cbt. what's that? i agree with dan. this is a really good place to talk to others and get your feelings out and share with other people who having the same problem. i'm only on xanax. i tried cymbalt, but that made me have a panic attack the first day i took it. i'm just coping and trying to get my mind back on track to thinking good things instead of always thinking about
when the next one is goning to happen. i've noticed that i do that alot! my thinking hurts me alot i know, and it has got to be that i can't just have a headache or an ache, if i do the i automatically think that something is wrong, which of course brings on the panic. i did see a pshycologist one time and i liked him and thought he would be of help, but where i was out of work and still am i couldn't afford to see him anymore. he needed his money upfront and i didn't have it. so now i just have my reg. doc and my psyc. thank god i do have a great boyfriend that helps me money wise. he's not that good at helping with the panic though, he doesn't understand it i think. i think eventually he will. i really like this forum. thanx ya all