Hello and Welcome to Healing Well and the A & P forum.
I am Kitt and I have a high tolerance for meds so it usually takes large doses of the particular med for it to work for me. Overtime most people will adjust to their meds but when you are sensitive to the new med the best thing is to cut your dose back to a lower dose with the advice of your physician.
Perhaps you could start the Lexapro at 5mg and yes there is a lag time and side effects that usually wear off once your body adjusts to the medication.
Perhaps a different benzo would be a better choice for you. Klonopin works best when there is a constant amount in the blood stream. It appears to me that right now you are using it as a rescue drug after the panic or anxiety has begun. That is just a guess. I use Valium as it has one of the longest half lifes and keeps you blood levels steadier.
When you say you have severe allergies are you referring to drugs. You can be allergic to a medication, intolerant of a medications and sensitive to drugs.
I am very happy to have you join the site as being able to post is a big advantage of being a member. Stay with us and keep posting.