Here's the story.
I am prescribed Klonopin, about 1 mg a day I've been taking for about a year. I have not had to increase my dosage. All has been well.
One week ago I ran out of my prescription, I had some Ativan on hand and I decided to use that for the week. At the time, I did not know the equivalency and after research I found out that I was using about half the dose of Klonopin. I still felt okay.
Thursday roles around and I am feeling a bit worse but I pick up the klonopin (which I haven't taken in a week). And before the night is up, I take my usual 1 mg and I feel fine.
I wake up yesterday morning and after an hour or so, it felt like a bomb hit. All day, I had the worst anxiety issues I've had in about 6 months. 6 months ago was my honeymoon that I did not bring my klonopin to and it was hell.
Anyway, I am okay taking Klonopin. I've done my research. I've talked with my doctor, whom I trust being that he is my brother and has been on Klonopin for 10 years.
I do feel a bit better today.
My question is - does it take time for Klonopin to establish itself in your body? Is this why I've been feeling terrible even though I was substituting the klonopin with ativan (a much shorter half life at about half the normal dose for 3-4 days)? Also, since I felt awful yesterday, I took an extra .5 mg and I think I plan on doing the same today. I like the daily 1 mg dose and once I am feeling up to par, will it be a drag coming back down to 1 from 1.5?
Thanks greatly for all of your help,