Holy Moley Batman, Baby T. lives in my home away from home, Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas. I was out there in January and had to go buy mittens.........42 degrees. Not only that someone stole my money but all the one armed bandits look the same so I couldn't ID him.
My friend, My cowboy.......my son used to keep his prize possession, his motorcycle in his living room. How big is your living room..........tee hee......your truck would stay warmer that way. No my son did not live at home at the time. I will send you the coupons for Attends so you can save 50 cents In exchange I will let you keep your frigid air. I said to myself "Self, your a good friend".
Roo, What color is that carpet, I am partial to red. Yes pick me up and bring an outback "thunder from down under" boy with you. OH fun for Lyn and me.
Sadsong, Just for you a rap song. http://youtube.com/watch?v=g-LRuhmFSBU
Big Sis, You have a native tan and I am fair, so Who's My Daddy?
I always wanted to be like you, petite, a brunette and eat carmel sundaes til the cows come home. Lived in the city and the neighbors were not happy about the cows in the front yard.
I am so glad you are in the cold so you can stay warm and hug your Dad. I know how sad your feeling. I am going to post just a short post re what is happening with me...........so send me some of those Canadian hugs. OK. By the way my family is French Canadian descent, great grandparents from Canada.
To all stay warm and if your in the hot zone, stay cool.
Luvs ya all