i really need help with my diagnosis. I need more help then what i am being given from my doctors, i think there is a lot more wrong then they think, how do i get a better diagnosis? i am struggling beyond belife.
They diagnosed me with panic disorder after a year in my bedroom not daring to leave, feeling sick all the time. They have loosly said things about OCD and depression, but i am not being treated for it, i am on 40mg of prozac a day, but one of the doctors said they want me off of it soon - she didn't even ask how things were going.
I don't even know where to start. I am anxcious all the time, my head in pounding all the time, terrible migrains, stomach pain, nausea, feeling so scared. Paranoid about everything. I feel so empty and alone, my relationships are out of controll, i am reaching out to everyone, engaging in risky sex sometimes which is very out of character and kills me when i do it. The guilt. My mood shifts constantly, i can be happy, but then someone says the smallest thing and i . Everything is messed up, i feel like i am watching myself through a tiny hole and i have no controll over what i'm doing. I have had so many dark thoughts
I feel like i don't know what to say to my doctors, i tried to talk to her last week but she just said "I just think you're depressed" and booked me in for more therapy, but the therapist there is usless. How do i get them to really hear me? I just want help before please help me.
** I edited just a couple of words out of your post due to content and rules of self harm my friend**
Post Edited By Moderator (Howlyncat) : 2/5/2008 9:14:30 AM (GMT-7)