I am so sorry that you haven't been able to find the right medication yet. I know how tough it is to try new ones and I can surely see why you are so discouraged.
It is often mentioned throughout this board and by others that while general practioners are doing the best they can they may not know all the ins and outs of each of these medications and their side effects. I know that you don't want to see a specialist (again I can relate as I don't have health insurance either) --but your individual visits to your g.p. seem to be adding up too.
What about a compromise? I see an A.P.R.N. who is also a psychotherapist. She charges slightly more than a G.P. but a lot less than a specialist. --And she is also able to prescribe for me.
I have been extremly lucky..she is very professional and she is also very good. Perhaps this is something you could consider as well?
Good luck and let us know what you decide!