I went to my appointment today at 8 am to see my psychiatrist.
I'm not a morning person I will mention. Leaving his office at 8:15 am didn't seem to justify the $120 I had just spent to talk to him. I was hoping the appointment would go for an hour. That would have made sense.
He isn't the best listener... but much better than any doctor I've spoken to.
Why should my time be limited with a psychiatrist? It's frustrating. At least I got 8 weeks worth of Lexapro worth over $190 if I had paid for it myself.
So that helped my conscience a bit.
My question is... are all psychiatrists this quick to rush you out the door? The OB docs are the same way too.
I hate our healthcare system.
I received my Lucinda Bassett stuff yesterday so I'm going to watch the first DVD today. Told my psychiatrist about that and that my dog ate 16 of my ativan/lorazepam. hehe The dog is fine though... he's just a little dumb ;)