I got out of that dang hole with you all helping me ( and perhaps not knowing it lol)
Decided I needed a reward so I got me a stackable washer and dryer set and I love it
it was costing me 30 or more for the aludry to get donw eeekly
WEashers 2.50 and dryers for 5 minutes 25 cents thats nuts.........
I am so happy I got me a w/ d now and my OCD will once again rear its ugly head it was a fight or more of a toss up on who was doing laundry yesterday
Me or cait
NO fetal position at all all day I was in a great mood stil am and plan on being in a great place
The family can blow as far as I am concerd
I have NO,
Notta bit of guilt FINALLY
Can I have some CHIPS now too ............???????????????????
All of the me's to the all of you's