my name's jen and i'm new. i myself have had experience with depression and anxiety and the most common meds prescribed. I'm somewhat of a vet. however my sweet lil' sister is twenty and just started paxil a month ago. she stpped taking it for two or three days and has completely lost it.
she stares and cries and has a hard time relating the way that she feels. i've done my best to calm her and assure her that it is not as bad as it seems. she has tightness in her chest, hyperventilation, shortness of breath, confusion, says "her heart hurts, like someone is squeezing her heart". I had similar feelings when i first started panicking when i was 16. she needs to follow the dosing directions such as not to stop taking it. i thought it would be a help if she could read some input from other people who have taken paxil.
she really is very smart and empathetic which makes life hard sometimes. she's going through a life crisis right now- there are so many things going on and she needs some perspective(besides that of her older sister
) hopefully someone can relate to what its like to stop taking paxil for couple days. thanks so much. -jen