I am sorry to have waited so long to reply.
Prior to this problem, my sister (I will call her L) was having marital problems and the husband was filing bankruptcy and doing a lot of legal stuff without her input. I believe he was having a nervous breakdown. He was trying to put their house up for sale and planned to move them into an apartment. L is very stubborn and was resisting a move. She had not worked for years and he was supporting the three of them, himself, my sister and my 21 year old nephew. So he apparently figured that since she was not working and contributing financially to the household she had no say, which is his typical MO. My other 21 year old nephew (a twin) was rebelling and really putting a lot of pressure on them emotionally and financially. In short, they had a lot of stress before this happened.
This condition started back in 2002. "L" was taking laundry down the basement stairs when she fell down the stairs (or passed out, don't really know and she doesn't remember), hit the back of her head on the cement, and blacked out. Her 21 year old son was there when it happened and called the squad. She was sent to the hospital and ended up in there for a couple weeks or so. Multiple tests, EEGs, CT, etc were done with no findings. I live 2 states away, so I went up there to see her and she was lying in a bed on a ventilator with a trach tube in, she had stopped breathing numerous times.
She got off the ventilator, and was sent for "rehabilitation" at this facility.
Long story short, she was sent to this nursing home which is just that, a nursing home, not a rehabilitation place for people with her problem. They have a psychiatrist who doesn't seem to want to pursue anything therapeutic wise with her. Now, my sister is very bullheaded and very mistrustful, so she is not going to just start spilling her problems to some stranger without a little bit of effort. They just don't seem to want to push her any. Just tell her that this is not a physical problem. I don't know how they are approaching her, but she is getting the message that this is in her head and is just attention seeking with this problem. Most of my family is very therapy shy ("I am not telling some stranger my personal business") I have done therapy for various issues for 15 years, so I know there are many different techniques they could try with her to help her open up. But no effort has been made. I mostly talk to her on the phone which gives me a unique way to get her talking since there are no other distractions, no tv, no noisy aids coming and going, etc. I also have a bachelors in psychology, so I am more than willing to let her just vent. But it doesn't do any good if they don't also do something on their end. She just opens things up with me and then has no one to help her with closure. I really don't know if I am doing the right thing letting her open up and vent her frustrations and getting overwhelmed with no help on that end to put the pieces back together.
She is on a small amount of antidepressants, and some anxiety medication. She has panic attacks but they don't do much to help with that. I don't know all the details, like I said I am 2 states away, but she was on a higher dose of anxiety med. and they just decided to cut it back. She says for no reason. It is almost like they are trying to drive her over the edge or something. I have considered calling the facility myself and talking to their psychiatrist, but don't know if that would be right. Also, I don't know if they care enough to try to work out these issues with her.
I know I am rambling a lot here, but this has been going on for a long time and I am the only one who seems willing to try to do something to help. My father and other sister seem satisfied, or resigned, to just visit her every week and take her food and dvds and other amenities to make her happier there. This is fine, but she is not being pushed to take some responsibility for herself. Also, if she gets stressed out she has a pseudo seizure and so everyone is walking on eggshells around her.
I guess I am basically just looking for anyone who may have ideas about some resources in Ohio for her. There is some disability but not much funds to work with.