Hey every1 havn't posted for awhile thought i wud let u kno whts going on.
I dont wana go into too much detail coz it wil prob break forum rules.
Basically my mum went into hospital for a week or so.. at the time i was on holiday and got really annoyed by exgirlfriend. Did something alittle stupid that ment i ran outta meds forthis month. I spent 1 week off meds n i felt really gud for it. Ive started taking meds again bt im weaning myself bak on to them so only on small dose. I still feel quite gud.
The thing for whteva reason being off meds has really help blance my moods n im started to make plans for the future (i hav hope now) im quitting my job in london n am looking for work neaer to home. I hope these good changes continue. Life so much better when u dnt kno how its gona turn out n u got things to look forward too. Like i said im stil takin meds if i start getting mood swings n stuf again im going to doc n saying the meds r def making me bipolar can i hav mood stabiliser pls.
p.s my mum is fine and is outta hospital now