Welcome to HealingWell and the A & P Forum. You have come to the right place to receive help and understanding. We do not judge, but we do support you and care for you.
I know how you feel about joining a forum, but relax and breathe, no anxiety here. This forum is for all who are looking for help with the anxiety and panic attacks.
Please start a new thread for you and that way you will have people post just to you. You will be surprised at how many wonderful members we have that will take your hand and help you through you anxiety.
To start your own thread just click on the New Topic at the top of the page. Give your topic a title and then post what you have posted here and more if you like............................ Remember to get your topic posted click the submit button at the bottom of the post you have written. We are truly happy you have found us.
Gentle Hugs to you