So today I completely forgot about a meeting I was supposed to attend, and I hadn't even read the documents for it! We've rescheduled for later this afternoon, but, boy do I feel frustrated and embarrassed and stupid!
I knew about the meeting, but hadn't written it in my calendar. And then I just set the documents aside two weeks ago, knowing that the meeting was still some time away. That's where they still were when a colleague came to see why I wasn't at the meeting!
So anyhow, I arranged to reschedule and then dove into the reading, but it was really tough to stay unfrantic and concentrate. I've finished the reading, and then I tried to take a few minutes to settle my agitation - just breathing, pulled up a computer game and forced myself to just exhale all the aggravation away for a few minutes so that I could tackle the next task.
The tools I've learned here and through my counseling helped, because, aside from wanting to share now (and being pretty unsettled while doing it), I was able to let my anxiety go and spend the following hour working productively on something totally different.
Guess I need to do another little round of deep breathing and fending off and purging all the negative self-talk, though, before I dive into the next chore.
I'm so glad you all are here for me to vent!