Hello everyone,
This seems like a good forum...I am looking for a little comfort here today. I suffered from anxiety/depression from early childhood (I am now 53 and much better :D) My husband also had anxiety issues in the past...so being good parents, we gave GAD to our son, who is now 35 and stuggling with it. He has been on meds for several years, paxil, and has worked hard to reduce his dosage.
He seems to be dealing with health anxiety right now, maybe it is a new type for him, he nomally has issues with responsibility (and my son is VERY responsible..too much so) His wife had to have a diagnostic mamogram, and he had had swollen underarm glands and is developing a cough (just in the last several days)...he also works in in a cancer hospital in Seattle...so what he is thinking is lymphoma...
I am not worried for him, pretty sure he is getting brochitis. Maybe I am worried that I will go back to my OCD for health issues, I had it for many years and have been largely free of it for the past several years...
I guess I am just looking for some comfort...thanks, Frosty