You're so right....what is there to do at this time in the morning? IT DOES....IT DRIVES YA NUTS
I haven't been working due to my health problems since the end of January of 08. I'm trying religiously...o.k...not so religiously, but I'm trying to find a job. Maybe that will make matters better and my life a little more "normal". And maybe then......maybe....I'll be able to sleep like a "normal" person again......
HI Krista
Added a tile to your thread so more will get what it is about and maybe more will answer you
THIS is not a rule but it is good to put a tittle to your threads
Thanks and IF you want to change it then go ahead and do so ...............LYN
Post Edited By Moderator (Howlyncat) : 1/15/2009 11:12:46 AM (GMT-7)