Morning family! yes for many of you it is still thursday- but not for long! Todays question is:
"Since you have had AP, (or similar mood disorder) have people (family, friends, colleagues etc) treated you any differently?"
I would have to say that my family have become sensitive to my needs as they witnessed me crumble at age 10, then total nervous breakdown at 14. they are supportive, but they certainly dont walk on egg shells! My friends are awesome and are so understanding and caring- many of them ask questions about AP and again, make an effort to not make me ditch my comfort zone etc- again, they are sensitive to my needs. My colleagues are the best- they didnt believe me when i told them what i have! they know im physically, chronically ill because they SEE it, but they really didnt believe me about the 'mental' stuff cos as they saw it i am a 'very together person!' if only they knew!!! LOL
The only person/people who have treated me poorly after finding out about my AP are sadly medical health professionals- doctors, nurses, my first pyschiatrist treated me like rubbish. not ALL of them- a minority. most do a great job and are supportive.
How about you?
Maz XX