I am 20 years old and have had anxiety issues, especially when it comes to alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.
At that time, I didn't really think of it as anxiety, but fear I was going insane. I couldn't picture myself in the future and was convinced for about
a month and a half that I wasn't going to live until I was 25.
Along with that, I started to get very weird responses to alcohol and caffeine. I used to be able to drink a good amount without any hangover and even though I never used a heavy amounts of caffeine, I never had any psychological effects besides the normal jittery feelings. It took me a few months to figure out, because of the anxiety from the visuals, but whenever I would drink heavily I felt a weird pressure in my head and I was paranoid about
becoming a schizophrenic or lapse into psychosis. After a few days of not drinking it would go away so I figured out what was causing it and quit drinking for a while. I would also find out that whenever I drank caffeine, I would get normal anxiety symptoms and freak out for a few hours.
After quitting everything for a few months I decided to slowly get back into caffeine and drinking with good results. The visuals were becoming less of an issue and I wasn't getting any anxiety from those anymore. I would feel normal with caffeine and would feel more or less normal with small amounts of alcohol. Then I started the anxiety started to come back with both and decided to quit both for good and felt good after that. The effects would mainly be paranoia of going insane and I would occasionally get anxiety attacks. The problem with me is that I would have the actual anxiety for a few days and then the next week I would be scared of it so I never felt normal during that time period.
A few months went by and I started to feel more or less normal again. But then I started to get anxiety again but this time I could not figure out what was causing it. I stopped eating sugar for a while and it went away, then when I would eat something with high amounts of sugar in it, it would come back, so I found another drug that caused the anxiety.
At the moment I am off everything and feel somewhat normal but I guess I have never felt completely normal since I started getting the visuals. The visuals don't bother me at all anymore but I still will sometimes get trace amounts of anxiety which are becoming an annoyance. Also, how I would describe my anxiety is extreme racing of paranoid thoughts about
me going insane. I do feel like I am fight or flight mode but I feel that is responsive to my irrational thought streaks. I do have a very strong fear of going insane so that can explain
Edit- I am obviously new and do not know much of the first rule and how that applies. But to be safe, I only included the drug use as possible explanations for the cause of my anxiety, which I feel is very important for any advice.
Edit: I am sorry but I had to butcher your post..........please read the rules, illegal drug usage is not allowed and from your post I had to take out most of your comments.
1. No discussion of any illegal activity or threats of violence. (ie. illicit drug use, including medical marijuana use, threats of suicide or self-injury, or threatened or intended physical harm). Discussions of suicide or self-harm that are deemed negative and therefore potentially injurious to others are also not permitted.
Members are not allowed to discuss in detail illegal activity.
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 2/7/2009 1:52:58 PM (GMT-7)