I went to my doctor a week or so ago. I have been taking 50mgs Zoloft for about 2 years and it worked great for anxiety until August. My anxiety came back and has since not left. She wants to switch me to Lexapro (zoloft has made my sex drive NON existant), but I am really nervous about it. I am confused on if I should just up my zoloft dosage or try a new med all together? Anyone ever made the switch or had anxiety return with Zoloft that was corrected by just upping the dosage? I know everyone is different, but would love some advice.
(A little history about me, 27 years old, mod to severe anxiety, terrified of medication, have never taken a benzo for that reason, I work out 4 times a week and take yoga to try to elimate anxiety..no sugar or caffine as well. any other suggestions??)