So I got my 2 new script
s tonight. I am NOT going to look them up online. I am not going to look at other people's reactions. I read the little sheet they give you (2x) and I took 1/2 of the muscle relaxer and am feeling pretty good, my leg cramps have dissipated (HOORAY!) so I'm thinking good things. I am a little concerned that the sheet that came with the Toprol mentioned that people with Raynauds syndrome should be monitored closely I might call the pharm tomorrow to double check what I need to be aware of in that regard but I'm going to start on 1/2 dose (already asked him if I could since I am 99% sure I was only on a half dose last time) tomorrow morning. Here's hoping it helps. I figure this way I am taking my meds but easing into them so its not quite so much to "worry" about
And my mantra is "I am not going to look this up online" "I am going to take my medication like a good patient"