Hi Guys and thank you so much for your support. I got out of bed this morning and had the WORST attack of whatever these things are...ever. I walked around for ten minutes with these head rushes/ startle/ wooshing sounds and just took a valium and the stupid Lexapro. I have been trying so hard to get off that drug. Green grove...you know Sherrine from the fibro forum. Anyway, she called me and talked to me for over an hour and tried to assure me this is an anxiety/drug withdrawl sensation. And since my son has anxiety and has described similar rushes/brain zaps, I just have to calm down and try to ignore it. It's hard to do when every time you move your eyes or head you get zapped.
I've asked the hubby to not show me our shrinking portfolio anymore. I also told him to not mention how he is going to have to work another ten years (he'll be 72 by then) to recapture some of what we have lost. And I'm not going to watch the news with the red Dow and Nasdq arrows pointed straight towards the southern tip of Hell.
I know there are many of you out there that can relate. I just pray that you are all young enough to see a bright and prosperous future for yourselves. Us Old f...ts...I think we are screwed!
BTW...we lost our health insurance when we moved from VA to NY to take care of my dying mother. So running to the doctor and having yet another battery of tests run is just not an option at the moment. My last blood work about 8 months ago was over $1000! (it was perfect, thankfully).
Sorry for the rant. I'm hanging on my last raw nerve!
hugs to you all