I have not taken any more ativan since yesterday morning. The effects are just too unpredictable, so I'll be talking with my PCP about
other options.
I had a rough spell of throat tightness again last night and almost went to the ER, but a glass of cold
water helped. I'm just so confused. Some days, I get short of breath deep down in my chest, yet oxygen and peak flow readings are fine. Other days, I get this throat tightness, usually just on the right side, but then I fixate on it, and I get scared it will close.
I try to tell myself that these cannot be anything serious. Sometimes, they're gone in less than a minute, other times in 2-3 minutes, or they may hang on for 20 minutes or more. If I had something going on in my throat, like an allergy or edema, it would not self-correct! I mean, I just can't believe that those kinds of genuine dangers come and go so quickly and completely.
I know you all must get tired of my HA recitations, and I've had just about
every conceivable test - always fine. Tomorrow, my therapist and I begin a new focus on my HA, and I will be asking my PCP about
programs in the area that I might go into during the summer. If there were some inpatient program, and I could convince myself that I'm
healthy, I'd consider doing that.
*sigh* Sorry all, just a little down. praying for better days for all of us.