For over a year I've been sick. It started with dizziness, then more symptoms came. Tingling arms. Fevers (low grade). Vision problems. Horrible IBS. Weak and tired. Then came my blood sugar problems. I kept getting so weak and the hypoglycemia test showed my 1/2 hour and 1 hour results were SO low. By five hours I was in the 60s, but it was those first two that were really off. Eating is hell. My blood sugar goes crazy no matter how perfectly I eat. My heart beats very fast and went into SVT once.
I've had a crotisol test, thyroid checked, chest Xray. Been in the Er several times. Once for passing out for unknown reason. I've also lost 30 lbs in one year.
All the doctors can tell me is it is anxiety. but I don't feel anxious. I mean, I don't feel any more anxious than I have previously.
I started Xanax and it hasn't fixed the physical symptoms. It only makes me more tired.
An alternative doctor ran a test and said I have Lyme, but the traditional doctors say that is a joke.
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone has not felt like they have anxiety but have the physical symptoms. Thanks.