Hi guys,
My name is Andy and I am new to this post. My doctor wants to put me on xanax. I am not sure if I'm ready for that. I have had panic attacks and anxiety before, after my first child was born in 2003. I had postpartum depression. I would have vivid daydreams, more like nightmares, and nightmare constantly. I evenly got to a point where I wouldn't eat or sleep. I would just sit there and hold my baby afraid something terrible was going to happen. After about
a year and a half I finally quit having panic attacks and anxiety, along with depression. I was able to quit my meds and return to my everyday life without fear. After my second child in 2005, my symptoms didn't resurface. about
2 years ago I started having trouble breathing and would have dizzy spells for no reason. Now I have recurring nightmares and wake up crying and my boyfriend gets concerned because I shake in my sleep. I have trouble sleeping and my panic attacks, no anxiety, are getting worse. I can lay down, be dead tired, have a panic attack and be wide awake. I have been trying to pin point the trigger to them, but I have came up empty handed. Does anyone else have these panic attacks for no reason? I do have a family history of mental illness in my family, but they don't like to talk about
it. With my panic attacks before I could calm my mind and see it was irrational fear, but now they don't make any sense. I can be driving with nothing on my mind and have one. I try to calm myself but it doesn't help. My heart just keeps trying to leap out of my chest and my head keeps trying to pass out. I also have severe migraines, could this be a cause? Like, my brain isn't firing on all pistons. Thanks and it is nice to meet you all.
*You tagged on to another post, so I made a new one for you so that you could get more responses*