Hey guys,I have been a having a problem with chest pains since july of 09.I came out of no where.It started when Michael Jackson died,and I had watch this reality show called dead man talking and they show this lady dieing of heart attack.I was so afraid.I started getting these chest pains,I was worried.I kept looking in my medical health book.I was freaking out.I was sleeping one night when I woke up and I thought I felt a chest pain.I called my doctor and he gave me a ekg.and said your heart is normal.I started crying...because it was a relief,but the doctor said i need professional help.Well the bad thing is...I have no health insurance.I kept having chest pains thinking i was gonna die.I keep thinking about
it all the time.I dont like this feeling.The chest pains comes and goes,but sometimes I wont get them,but I get to thinkin about
it and here the pain comes.I called the doc,and asked him could he give me anything to take the edge off.He gave me zanax.Eww i can take that.I made me worry and I still had the pains.Then he put me on ativan that helps.but still have the pains.So to make a long story short.I found a free clinic on saturday that just passed.I was there for 3 hours before i got seen.THe doctor checked my blood pressure,and the bottom number was like a hundred.Mind you I was crying in the room.I cry because finally someone was bout to see me.The doc said anxiety probably caused my pressure to be up.she put me on high blood pressure meds.I was so scared,and started crying..I dont know what to do.I really dont have the pains like before,but I still have them a little.Am I going crazy?Everyone is trying to put me on depression medicine.I'm glad I not alone
*I started a new post for you, so that you would get more responses*