Hi there, I am mainly on the lyme forum but figured I needed to be over here too due to my anxiety and depression. Sometimes anxiety, even severe anxiety, can be a symptom of a medical condition- and sometimes it is just anxiety. I think if you continue to notice NEW symptoms you might need to do a little research into what you are experiencing. For example -migrating joint pain- is often not directly caused by anxiety- the feeling that your head is bloated or stuffy may be anxiety but i can also tell you that it might not. If your instinct tells you something is up- check into it. If the dizziness becomes overwhelming go to a doctor even if it is just anxiety extreme dizziness is not something to take chances with. There are certain medical conditions that require specialists to diagnose- such is true with lyme. Most regular medical doctors are not educated on this illness or how to diagnose it. Many of the symptoms may mimic anxiety but if you begin to feel things like frequent bone popping, joint pain, too much tingling- to the point of numbness, these things are more than just anxiety. Educate yourself but try not to feed the anxiety- as if that were easy! Honestly, when i read your posts you sound just like me! I'm an anxious wreck- but i also have a medical condition- there were many times when my head feels stuffy and i might feel dizzy on occasion now- but not usually as i discovered for myself this was partly due to nutrient deficiences, but it could also have been due to anxiety. Have your magnesium, potassium and iron levels checked if they have not been. I truly hope you feel better soon I know those feelings are not fun because i've had them. But each case is different and so please don't think i'm telling you that you have a medical condition! I sympathize because i know everytime i hear something new about
my situation it overwhelms me and that cycle can be tough to break whether you have a medical condition or not. Chin up- the answer will come and just remember that if you have new symptoms -write them down and look into them.