Hi All,
Let me give you a little background on myself.
I'm 26 years old and have just recently (within the last 3 months) been experiencing what may be anxiety/panic attacks. October 8, 2008 I had my gallbladder removed. The surgery was necessary as it was englared, gallstones, and also some cholestoral buildup. Around Halloween I woke up one morning with bright red rashes on my forearms, knee caps, and my ears were big red puff ball (looked like I had been a wrestler, cauliflower ear). Took Benadryl, went down, next morning same thing except my ears were fine and just red rashes on my forearms. Around the beginning of November I started experiencing tingling in my hands and feet. I would also have soreness in my right wrist (mouse clicking hand). It was not painful, but more a nuisance and scary since I had never had this happen before. I saw my PCP and was told I may be having Histamine release causing these odd symptoms and that I was healthy. I would also get tightness in my jaw area. I begin to get on WedMd....very bad place for someone like me. I self diagnosis myself with MS, Fibromyalgia, or Lupus.
One morning while getting ready as I did everyday had a drop in blood pressure. I almost passed out, and really freaked me out!!!! I've been pretty healthy my whole life and to all the sudden have these very odd symptoms is enough to make anyone go a little crazy. Eventually my father tells me about food allergies he use to have as a kid and how they are pretty much identical to mine. With that said I finally got myself to relax and things seemed to "go away". Week or so went by when my right wrist started to bother me again. Mainly just aching. I work in the lab some at my company and if I put in a long day out there the next day my whole body is just drained, like extreme fatigue. Thing is I don't really do physcial labor more like standing around on concrete while my supplier does most of the work. I had myself convinced for awhile I had terminal cancer, again self diagnosis. I've been getting breakouts around my hairline and on my scalp, somehting out of the ordinary for me. Also my hands have been sooo cold. I'm a generally cold person (as are a lot of females) but I wonder if maybe I also have blood flow problems. Bowels have been a mess, but most of my life I've been irregular, having the runs very soon after I eat. I have noticed though lately that my stomach is very senstive to touch after I eat, even an hour or so later. The slightest pressure on it is very discomforting. Some mornings I wake up and my hands are stiff. Also had a reaction to either dishsoap or hot water. Had hand washed dishes (took me approx 20 mins), w/in 5 mins after I got done both my hands swole up and were bright red and itchy. During last menstural cycle had hot flashes first full day. I'm 26...hot flashes are not for me yet.
One evening I looked up my symptoms again online and HIV popped up (like one symptom matched), so here I go again. Went and got myself tested on Friday even though I knew it was negative I could not get it out of my head. Friday at work was pretty stressful and I found myself getting a tight throat. Wasn't sore, just felt like something wrapped around my neck and I would have to take deep breaths. I had to go on an unplanned business trip this week (left Sunday). On the way to the airport and while I'm sitting at the airport really tight throat again. I was afraid I was going to drop over dead. There was a point on the plane before takeoff I seriously thought I might have to get off the plane. I've never had that feeling before. As I'm sitting here typing I'm all shaky, head itches. My right arm from shoulder down to hand has been numb/feels weak. Haven't had any neck problems. Again I was looking on WebMd and am now worried I have Lou Gehrig disease because once in awhile my cheek goes a little numb and becuase my arm feels weak. GRRRR
These thoughts I get consume me. I've gotten myself so worked up before that every day I was crying with worry. Definitely doesn't help because the more stress you put yourself under the more symptoms start to appear.
I made an apt for next week to see my PCP and have him run some blood test to check my Thyroid, Potassium and other levels that could be causing some of this. I'm kind of up in the air on telling him about my possible anxiety attacks. I'm concerned as soon as I tell him that he will just assume all my symptoms are related to that and not be so willing to look elsewhere.
I'm also wondering if maybe all this is somehow related to having my Gallbladder out since all these symptoms began soon after it was out.
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read and I'd like ot hear thoughts and if anyone has suggestions how I present my problems to my PCP.