Hello ! I have Panic and Anxiety disorder and Ocd and depression. I am On Zoloft 100 mg now for 7 months. I have been doing very well on this. My major symptom from anxiety is DP ( depersonalization) tingling and Crazy thoughs. Ok , so now that I have all of that pretty much under control, last night I was sitting here on the computer playing my game like normal and my heart starts skipping beats and feeling like it was klopping around in my chest. This lasted for a good hour or better. Now I know there is nothing wronge with my heart as I have had An Stress test and echo and Ekg about
a year and a half ago. Is this something any of you all have had due to anxiety?? I know that it shows its ugly face in different forms. I am just trying to keep my mind straight and not think crazy thoughts. Thank you so much for your time