I'm having deep feelings of loneliness. My husband and I just had an argument, and that always brings me down. Who wouldn't? But I wish there were some way for him to understand my problems with anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Is there anything on the web that could kind of describe the feelings and explain ways to deal with someone who experiences them? That would be a HUGE help for me. I want to feel like I can talk to him and have him understand where I'm coming from.
I'm also stressing out heavily about our money situation. Right now we rent a room from a friend, who also lets us use the rest of the house of course, but all of our stuff goes in the room. It's so hard for 3 people to keep everything in one bedroom. The baby has 2 sets of plastic drawers for her clothes but she still needs more room! That baby hasT TONS of clothes. Soon as she outgrows them I'm going to donate them. Any suggestions on a reputable charity for that?
I would like to find a charity that would maybe give me credits for the clothes I donate, so I can get clothes that will fit her once these don't and I donate them, like maybe I can take them in and look at things for her. They are for the most part in great shape, only a few have little stains on them, which I will try to get out before taking them in.
Also, I've been feeling down because I've had these sharp, debilitating pains in my right knee. I've described them to some of my dad's friends, who are older than I, and they all said the same thing - sounds like arthritis. Arthritis at 28 - would be my luck. I have to find a doctor I can afford to give me a real diagnosis, but in my heart I feel that they are right. That is making me so sad. I can't bounce around with my 11 month old for very long before the pain is intolerable, and that breaks my heart.
I am trying to do my best at being a great mom and all of these things kind of get in the way of that. I'm not gonna let any of it stop me, just probably slow me down a little. She can sense when I'm sad and when I cry she cries. Which hurts cuz I don't want to be the source of her being sad at all. She does help with my depression sometimes though. If I'm feeling particularly down and out, just a little giggle from her can make most of the pain in my heart disappear. She helps fill the emptiness I get inside.