I've had anxiety most of my life. I am now 21 years old. My anxiety has always got the best of me. I've had to quit jobs because of it. The past few years I've been really good about keeping it under control. I've kept the same job for the past two years now, that I absolutly love. I've recently moved into my own apartment, which is something that I didn't think I would be able to do.
I went on a road trip, almost 30 hours to get to our destination. We arrived last night. After about 4 hours into the trip, I realized there was no turning around, and I started to panic. I tried all of the normal breathing techniques and I couldn't get calmed down. This panic attack lasted the whole way, it made it so difficult to sleep. I only slept maybe three hours, and I would wake up feeling just as anxious, if not more than before. When we got into our hotel I figured I would be fine, I thought maybe just being overtired and confined to a vehicle made it worse for me. I wasn't better though. I tried going to sleep and woke up still in a panic attack. I ended up looking into flights to go home, but couldn't get one, so someone is driving all that way just to pick me up. Because I can't stay here for a whole week, I'll be a nervous wreck, I just want to be home!
Most people I talk to don't understand this and don't know how to help me. I've tried counceling and it helped for a while, but I feel like I failed big time. I failed myself and my family and that doesn't help me feel any better. I guess I want to know some tips for helping me feel better. This anxiety attack is going to end up costing me over $800..because I have to pay the person whose picking me up gas back and pay to get back home. How sad is that? I'm willing to pay money that I don't have just to be home to stop this panic attack.