I had a great day yesterday except for a small dull headache, of course in the back of my mind I think my headaches could be something more!! Anyway, last night around 7pm, I began to get this overwhelming hot flash and began sweating badly and couldn't sit still! I had the racing heart and it lasted just a few min, felt much longer!! Of course, I then got frustrated, upset, and worried setting my anxiety into full gear!! Do any of you experience hot flashes?? I am increasing my Zoloft to 100mg today after increasing from 50 to 75mg 1 1\2 weeks ago. The doc had told me to double my 50mg but I only increased to 75mg first because I am scared of the side effects!! I had been on 50mg the last year and a half due to pregnancy, tapered down from 100mg prior to pregnancy. Any thoughts?