I just noticed that new people to this forum are supposed to start a thread before responding to other posters. I think I already posted on 2 other people's threads....sorry. So anyway, here I am, and here is a little about me....or a lot about me....not sure how much I will go on and on.
I have suffered with anxiety, depression and OCD for over 30 years. I started with panic attacks in high school, and progressed to OCD, then major depression in my early 20's. I have been hospitalized at least 15 times during the past 25yrs (last time was in May of this year). Eight years after getting OCD, I was finally diagnosed properly, and did therapy. I'm doing very well in that area now.
I still have trouble with depression and anxiety. Stress can really cause my anxiety to skyrocket. I am on medication for it daily. My husband and I are going through bankruptcy right now because of a crooked ex-business partner who stole all the money, fled the country, and left the bills for us. We are losing our home and everything because of it. I feel like I've been in varying degrees of an anxiety/panic attack for 2 years over this whole thing. It's been a horrible roller coaster ride.
I should say that my husband now has a job, and housing is provided with this position, so we will not be out in the street. But the court cases from the vendors loom, and waiting for the bankruptcy to go through is very difficult. Many glitches along the way.
I am waiting on a hearing for disability as I also have Fibromyalgia. Right now, the anxiety is my biggest trouble and last wednesday I about crawled out of my skin I was in such a panic over my husband having to go to court again. Things turned out fine and the last few days have been much better. Strangely enough, I've had this for so long that I've learned to live with it. I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for reading this far....and I hope to be able to help others and make friends here, and also get some help and understanding on my tough days.