I need help perhaps someone out there has had what i am expierencing an can tell me what I am expieriencing...
It is very hard to describe, one doctor tells me its preseziure another tells me its anxiety....It has been going on for 10 years and I am getting very tired of it....Here is what is happening.....
I feel like I am getting jolts....I can be sleeping, wide awake, or whatever and all of a sudden i get a jolt in my stomach, always with a feeling of something might go wrong....it is hard to describe. I might get a bad headache after and will sleep for hours on end if i take my medicine to get rid of them.... I have had two seziures in my life and i have been on seziure mediciens
for the past 10 years, the medicine makes me jitter all the time.....
I hate all this and need to find out what these jolts are, no matter what the doctors have said they have not gone away....
Anyway out there ever had the same feelings.
Looking for help please