Basically, I forget a lot of stuff. Conversations I had that weren't very long ago, conversations I had 5 min ago. Lots of things. This makes my husband frustrated because I'll get mad about him doing something without talking to me and he'll get mad and say that he HAS talked about it with me and I said it was okay and I don't remember at all having the conversation.
I forget a lot during mid-sentence just about every other conversation I just stop and keep going "um," then it may or may not come back.
I get really paranoid about other people. I hate when people notice me - I like to be in the background of things- but at the same time its the fear and anxiety that makes me that way. At work, I do the dumbest little mistakes and when I'm questioned I feel like an idiot. Sometimes I just cry because I know they all think I am dumb. My self-esteem issues do not help whatsoever.
I never been to a doctor before for anything- and I honestly don't want to- any kind of meds for anxiety or depression I dont like.. I dont want to take any of them because i know people that have taken it and they seem worse off then before and that is a pattern of people i see so I dont want any part in that...
..So basically, what do i do?