Am glad I happened onto this forum tonight. Reading about anxiety symptoms I see what I have suspected, that my doc has been interpreting them wrongly-with treatments that haven't done a thing. Partly my fault as I didn't know what I was trying to describe to him...never had panic attacks or anxiety before! He gave me breathing treatments and allergy meds to breathe.
Now I can talk to him about how to manage them. Oh Lordy, not more pills. I just hate the thought (and expense) of adding more meds. Aned they come up so sudden sometimes...on the phone, reading outloud in class.... Throat closes up, can't breathe, feel like I need to pee, ice cold, shaking....does anyone else deal with something simular? May I ask what helps besides meds? In the end, I just want them to stop and would opt for any measure that was successful.
Thanks for listening and, I hope, for some good suggestions!