Alright this is going to sound histerical, I know it's completely rdiculous but it's what is driving me nuts latley.
I just sit around and just zone out A LOT. I'll just be watching TV and not really into or having any response to what's going on. I just try and relax as much as I can but then I get caught up in thinking "I should be interested in this, I should be remembering what I'm watching, I should just relax and focus onw hats going on...". I was having this problem last night when I went out to the bar with some friends and I couldn't really follow the football game, I was just staring at the tv and zoning out. I just feel like my attention or my focus isn't there. It's like i'm here and can hold a conversation, but I'm not.
I know it really doesn't make any sense, but just feeling like I'm zoning out or some drugged out space cadet is bothering the hell out of me. Also I just can't sit home and relax lately. While I'm sitting home and trying to relax I keep thinking of what I want to do, what I should do, why I am just sitting or lying there. Not to mention it just feels like there's a weight in my head, feel like its just weighing me down.