Many thanks SC,
I suffered from anxiety in 1995, took over my life non-stop for nearly a year. But somehow I cam out of the other side. Now it seems to have reared its ugly head again, Like Chris the same old fears go through the head, cancer,MS,brain tumour - like the 3 horsemen of anxiety symptoms.
I suffered badly from GERD last year, and coming from the UK, you find you are put on very long waiting list until the right person see's you.
At the end of last year I started getting pins and needles down my right arm mainly thumb and forefinger, They think its a trapped nerve, but for some reason my brain has decided to go into over drive and think of the worse, which in turn has resulted in many anxiety symptoms including light headed nausea and palpitations while asleep.
The thing is I know that i suffer from anxiety, as I have some of these symptoms before. I have a good job, but to be honest , I'm bored of it, I want to try something else, but I feel I'm too old to change direction and still pay the mortgage off , and in this current climate you think that taking a risk , IS A BIG RISK. plus I'm getting married next year and I feel responsible to be in a stable career path.
I know I have to take control, and the so called trapped nerve is always a reminder that something is not right physically, but I'm one of these people taht I hardly ever get a cold, so when i feel ill for more than I month, i think of the worse.I sometimes feel I psychologically need to re wire my thinking patterns, to be less negative and more pro active
I was interested in Chris as some of his early symptoms were very simillar to mine, plus then I read a thread that seemed to show that he was showing control of his problems.
Any how
Any help or advice or wise words are always welcome