Hello everyone.
I suffer with anxiety (phobia of driving, and then all around anxious tendencies.) It doesn't completely consume my life, thankfully, but recently it has. When I had my first panic attack, I was driving and had gotten dissociated. Ever since then, I have only gotten anxious about becoming dissociated... I'm sure most of you know how I feel.
about two weeks ago, one of my worst fears happened - I got dissociated. I should have known, I pushed myself way to hard although about a month before that I felt fine in most, if not all situations! Now here is where my "subject" comes in, I feel defeated. Ever since that incident, I have gone back to my usual anxious self and am nervous to really go anywhere outside of my house (no fear of dying - fear of getting dissociated!)
Just want to know how many of you have felt defeated before and how you overcame it. I still go places, but never without my anxiety fully leaving my mind. That little voice needs to go away like it did before... I just need words of inspiration right now, and lots of yoga :) .
True happiness to you all.