Hi all.
I have developed severe anxiety and depression over the last couple of years. I can no longer function in a work or most social environments where there is pressure and stress. I find I am stable when left alone. I tried Zoloft that the doctor prescribed to me and it seemed like it helped a little so the doctor upped the dose an then my moods began to get aggressive and my daughter would not come around me. I started reading about
the horror stories peeps were having with that stuff so I weaned myself off of it, and that was a bad experience. I no longer will take prescript
ion medicines that work with the brain. I have began using herbal medicines and teas. 5HTP is a good replacement for SSRI's. I am awaiting the decisions of CPPD and ODSP. Just going through this process exacerbates my anxiety and depression. I read in places that 50% or more applications are denied.
I will fight them hard if I am denied, even taking it to the courts if necessary. My doctor agrees that I should not go back to work. I also have a lower back problem and was given permanent restrictions by my physiotherapist. CPPD has 3 weeks left to review my application. I have done my homework and I am prepared for appeal. I will get a lawyer the same day that I am denied. Disability does not mean inability or lack of intelligence.