ok this week i have been focused on something diff. daily.
today my cheek feels weird - numbish kinda - but i noticed it hadn't felt numb since i got home until i just started thinking about it. coicidence? i think not.
yesterday it was just a spacy feeling - tues - it was my hands feel tingly - mon - i felt exhausted weird all day.
has anyone ever read dr sarno's book about the mind and internal rage-how our minds use our bodies to distract us from facing things that are bothering us or maybe things we don't even realize are bothering us?
it's very interesting.
does anyone else do this? i wish i could train myself to stop "checking in" with my body all day and just be happy and content. it's so frustrating cause i don't want to be this way but the more i think about it the more it happens - i have to focus on work wholeheartedly to stop thinking about "what is wrong with me?"
i do need to do the ecouch cbt daily to change my way of thinking but i really have realized i don't want to be on drugs like antidepressants since it sounds like alot of times they make ppl feel worse or they have to take 2 or 3 things to feel better.
ugh - the mind is a powerful thing. i wish mine would take a break. :P :P